dgfsi [at] fsi [dot] nic [dot] in


To prepare State of Forest Report biennially, providing assessment of latest forest cover in the country and monitoring changes in these.
To conduct inventory in forest and non-forest areas and develop database on forest tree resources.
To prepare thematic maps on 1:50,000 scale, using aerial photographs.
To function as a nodal agency for collection, compilation, storage and dissemination of spatial database on forest resources.
To conduct training of forestry personnel in application of technologies related to resources survey, remote sensing, GIS, etc.
To strengthen research & development infrastructure in FSI and to conduct research on applied forest survey techniques.
To support State/UT Forest Departments (SFD) in forest resources survey, mapping and inventory.
To undertake forestry related special studies/consultancies and custom made training courses for SFD's and other organisations on project basis.


India State of Forest Report (ISFR) is a biennial publication of Forest Survey of India (FSI) an organization under the Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change Government of India

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